Hello and welcome to my blog. Together Rosie Stocking and I have made a short film called 'Mind Trap' which shows a dramatised look into scizophrenia and the effects it can have on the sufferer. This blog will cover all of the work which has been done from the start of the coursework, where initial ideas were created and research was conducted, till the end, where the final main and ancilary products are shown and evaluated.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

13th October

During the last two theory lessons we have been looking at Postmodernism, style over substance and question society, and how it realates to out media product. Our short film questions how people see reality and if everyone sees the same thing. For example, is the way I see pink the same as someone else sees it? As well as this our film concentrates more on camera shots to convey the characters and the plot than the actual dialogue meaning it does use the idea of style over substance. Which is the complete opposite of our original idea which was very dialogue heavy and concentrated more on the plot than on how the whole thing looked.

As our flim is only allowed to be up to five minutes long we don't have much time in which to develop a plot which mean we will have to use style and mise-en-scene instead of developing a plotline meaning out text will probably end up being a postmodernist text.

Also, this week we were able to get all of the surveys returned to us. The results are shown below:

Most of the people we asked to complete the survey were in the 16-19 age bracket. This is because this age group is the easiest to get a hold of due to school. Also, this age group is our intended target audience so by asking more people in this bracket we will be able to get a better idea of what our target audience wants to see.

We made sure to ask an even amount of males and females to get an even response and not one made bias by the majority asked being a certain gender.

This question is important as if our target audience very rarely watch short films then our film would be unlikely to appeal to out audience. However everyone seemed to have watched short films fairly often in the past month.

Most of the people we asked said that watched short films online. This is good for us as we intend to put our film online to recieve feedback and this information means that we are likely to receive some sort of feeback for our short film.

This question was an important one as it would help us decide where we were going to put our film in order to get the most views. Unsurprisingly, youtube.com proved to be the most popular and, so we will upload our film onto youtube.

As we intend to make out film a psychological thriller it's important to know if our target audience would be interested in a film of this genre. Most are interested which means that our film appeals to our target audience.

For simplicity we were intending to use a female protagonist. However, as this goes againt common conventions we wanted to make sure that it wouldn't make people dislike the film. Most of the people we asked thought that a female protagonist would work, this may be because our target audience would appreciate the change. We also know, however, that a couple of the people we gave the survey to have a slighty feminist viewpoint, meaning that they would like to see a female protagonist. Also, many seemed to not care either way, which is good for us incase plans change and a male protagonist is used.

Once again, we asked his because the protagonist in psychological thrillers is normally male. However, probably because our target audience are teenagers, the idea of a teenage protagonist seems to be the most popular. This is good for us as we intended to us a teenage protagonist.

When it comes of psychological thrillers it's easy to take either a postmodern or plot heavy root and so we thought that this would a good question to ask. Most people voted for a plot heavy film, which could cause issues due to the short time limit.

Also, this week, we asked one of the people we gave our survey to if we could use them to compile an audience profile. They agreed and so the profile can be seen below:

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